Sunday 2 October 2011

Music Video evaluation 'Caspa & Mr Hudson' 'love never dies'

Released in 2010, British born singer Mr Hudson collaborated with British Dubstep artist Casper for 'Love never dies'. The video of the song has some very artistic but also conventional elements which relate to genre.

The video has a very strong relationship between music and visuals, the style is very illustrative telling the viewer a small story whilst the music accompanies it. The lyrics also match the visuals, 
'Weed, girls and football'
Unlike many other videos, the beat doesn't really match with the visuals. It only matches when the beat is about to drop and the visuals editing begin to speed up rapidly. Mr Hudson who features in the song and is the lead vocalist, is probably considered to be a televised Bard. He acts as a story teller with the use of the visuals to anchor his lyrics. He isn't really part of the story but is more like a hidden conscious or spectre within the story.

The video's style is narrative. Mr Hudson is only seen lip syncing at times but most of his vocals is played over the top of the visuals. 'Casper' the soul artist of the song, who provides the instrumentals only makes a cameo in the video, he rides along side Mr Hudson and remains silent. His instrumental backing track provides as an assistant to Mr Hudson's vocals which narrate the song.
Casper (right) 

The video looks quite low budget, there isn't really much too it but it presents itself as very polished. It uses slow motion and many fade outs to relate to the Laid back feel of the visuals and lyrics. The songs lyrics is actually very sad, however the visuals of the video changes the context, the video shows time changing, as the beginning of the video features kids, the second half of the video shows a time ellipsis. it reflects exactly what happens in the beginning but the kids are shown as older. There are two scenes which play on the views mind.   
When the video tells the story of the kids, one of the boys buys a new bike and eager to show off he rides off down the path. The camera cuts to the other children, who are all excited about the new bike but suddenly the excitement stops and a mid shot is used, which shows the kids faces turn to shock. This automatically makes the viewer think that the kid with the bike has had a bad accident but the scene changes and we see the kid with the bike smiling with a broken arm. This same scene is played out on the second part of the video, where the kids are now adults, the man comes to the park with a new motorbike and the same thing happens. However this time the viewer believes that man has suffered worse than a broken arm. This scene relates back to the songs sad feel. However as a pun the man staggers off at the end of the video with just a broken arm again.
The two scenes reflected.

The Genre of this song is Dubstep, which, although has roots from reggae and Jamaica, the Base of it is in the UK. The video reflects the genre by having the video set in a  suburban environment. Most of the scenes are filmed in a typical British looking recreation park. In one shot, right at the beginning where the group of friends  are walking, you can see an urban block of council flats and when Casper and Mr Hudson are cycling, the streets look like it was filmed in London. This could link in with the Dubstep, as the genre began on the council estates in London.